More Stuff

More stuff. Have a footnote.1

Another Header

Some content here.

Some Music

It’s so simple! Here’s what the original Markdown file looks like before it’s processed by Jekyll:

# More Stuff

More stuff. Have a footnote.[^1]

## Another Header

Some content here.

## Some Music

{% lilypond %}
    \chords {
        c1:m7 f2:7 c2
    \relative c'' {
        g2 es8( c4) es8
        f8 es d c~ c2
    \addlyrics {
        You are
        the sky and my TRAIN,
{% endlilypond %}

{% lilypond %}
        % middle tie looks funny here:
        <c' d'' b''>8. ~ <c' d'' b''>8
{% endlilypond %}

(My apologies, but it looks like we can't go for a quine here.)

[^1]: Let's try a footnote.
  1. Let’s try a footnote.